by E.A.S.T. (Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational)
Tomorrow is the day! Our voices will resonate in dozens of cities in Turkey, Europe and Latin America to say: enough with patriarchal violence! Istanbul Convention is ours! We are tired of brutal murders of women, LGBTQI+ people and migrants. We won’t accept that governments and institutions dismiss male, domestic and racist violence, harassments and abuses in the houses, in the workplaces, in the streets, on the borders as a private issue! Our lives are essential!
We won’t stay silent facing Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, attacks on abortion and LGBTQI+ people’s freedom, familistic policies, limitations to alimony rights and divorce, institutional racism and exploitation: we don’t give up until all this will end! Our struggle is essential!
Tomorrow, July 1st, and in the following days demonstrations and actions will show our transnational power and our feminist connections across the borders:
In Turkey, after several weeks of protests, including a pride parade, a march on June 19th and other actions in the streets, tomorrow demonstrations will take place in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Antalya, Artvin Hopa, Aydin, Aydin – Kuşadasi, Balikesir, Bursa, Denizli, Dersim, Eskişehir, Kocaeli and Mersin. See the updates here: https://esikplatform.net/
In Czech Republic a rally will happen in front of the Turkish embassy in Prague: https://fb.me/e/IQGhDamF
In Italy demonstrations, sit-ins and flash mobs are planned by NON UNA DI MENO on July 1st in Rome, Milan, Turin, Bologna, Pisa, Genoa, Venice, Padua, Mantua, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Ravenna, Catania, Reggio Calabria, Pavia and La Spezia: https://fb.me/e/2h13o9fej
In Bologna a whole feminist week of action ending on July 3rd is taking place in connection with Revolt Pride parade: https://fb.me/e/HrqGByWh
In Argentina, a sit in in front of the Turkish embassy will take place in Buenos Aires: https://www.facebook.com/opinion.socialista/posts/2668143813484979
In France banners denouncing the legitimation of patriarchal violence against women and LGBTQI people will be hanged in Paris: https://www.transnational-strike.info/2021/06/25/appel-a-une-journee-daction-transnationale-le-1er-juillet-2021stop-a-lattaque-patriarcale-levons-nous-pour-la-convention-distanbul/
In Slovenia there will be a protest in front of the Turkish embassy on July 2nd: https://fb.me/e/2EqDiqRLl
In Germany a public debate on Istanbul convention will take place on July 3rd with comrades from Turkey, Germany and Greece: https://www.facebook.com/femstreikle/posts/956036831828790
The Transnational Migrants Coordination, composed by migrants collective all around Europe and beyond, has endorsed the day of action denouncing the ways in which the dismissal of the Istanbul Convention, as much as the istitutional racism of the EU, prevents migrant women to escape from male and State violence: https://www.transnational-strike.info/2021/06/29/1st-of-july-transnational-migrants-coordination-against-the-patriarchal-attack/
Read the instructions to show solidarity and take part in the day of action: https://www.facebook.com/EASTEssentialStruggles/photos/pcb.270189338236164/270189188236179
#StopPatriarchalAttack #IstanbulConventionisOurs #OurStruggleIsEssential #WeRevoltOnJuly1st
#1Temmuzdaİsyandayız #İstanbulSözleşmesindenVazgeçmiyoruz #istanbulsozlesmesibizim