Allt åt Alla, Sweden
Allt åt alla (everything for everyone) is a nationwide collective that is part of the Swedish autonomist movement. From the north to the south of Sweden we have local groups, in a dozen cities. In Allt åt alla we all have different local contexts, and we therefore use our organization as a tool to bring our different struggles together. What connects the different local struggles is our common platform – building upon the abolition of class society. We are struggling in our cities and at our work-places. We struggle against neo-liberal housing policies in our neighborhoods and we create commons for everyone’s right to the city. We are struggling at our workplaces to raise class consciousness, pushing forms of struggle beyond the framework of traditional trade unions.
Amazon Solidarity Group, Berlin
We are loose group of people from different political currents, students and (mostly office) workers who got together to support the organizing attempts of Amazon workers in Brieselang near Berlin and other cities in Germany. The group started around the end of 2014. We organized several public events to discuss the strike actions at Amazon warehouses with a broader audience, did some public actions during rallies and larger demonstrations, leafleting. One of the main activities was facilitate Amazon workers meetings in Poznan and Berlin. We also supported Amazon workers during legal fights against the non-extension of their work contracts in courts which we believe were due to workers participation in union organizing at their workplaces. In the recent months the group has not been very active, but some of us are still focusing on supporting workers meetings between workers from different countries and outside the bureaucratic union structures, translate leaflets and so on. Our aim is to increase mutual support among working people to fight back without getting lost in official union hierarchies.
ARS – Autonomous Workers Union, Bulgaria
Anarchism, in particular anarcho-communism and anarcho-syndicalism, was an important political tradition in modern Bulgaria, repressed and destroyed by the Stalinist regime in the 1940s-1950s. In the 1990s, survivors reestablished the Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria. The Autonomous Workers Union grew out of an affinity group within it. It was officially established in 2010 attracting over 100 members and as many sympathizers since then. The first sections were in Sofia and Kochan (Gotse Delchev region), the newest is in Varna. There are individual members in Vidin and Burgas as well. ARS came together out of a pressing need to fight against the intensifying attack on labor in the years of so called “transition” to capitalism when traditional trade unions‘ role was clearly compromised. The absence of organized resistance against over 30 years of anti-social policies made workers in Bulgaria the poorest and most disenfranchised in the poorest and most corrupt country in the EU, according to official statistics, which do not take into account the neo-feudalism reigning in the vast realm of undocumented labor relations. We aim to provide access to legal consultations and defense for members and unaffiliated workers and to defend the labor and human rights of our members in the face of state institutions, employers and juridical courts. We have at different times created producer-consumer cooperatives and mutual-aid funds. Our most pressing goal is to broaden the organization‘s base. ARS is vocal on issues concerning the privatization of public services, calling for socialization and workers‘ control. During the mass protests in the winter of 2012/2013 ARS took position against the electricity monopolies and against capitalism, coming in conflict with the nationalist factions that dominated the rallies in Sofia. In Varna, this protest wave precipitated the formation of the ARS section in the marine capital. In January 2013 ARS participated in the road blockades in solidarity with the strike at Vazovski Machinostroitelni Zavodi AD (the largest enterprise of the military industry in the country). While big part of our members are precarious workers, we often are engaged in workplace disputes with small businesses, organise pickets etc. We also organise campaigns with migrant workers. As an organisation, we participate in many grass roots ecological campaigns against private construction companies, and also facilitate community organisations in neighborhoods.
Berlin Migrant Strikers, Berlin
“They called for workers… humans arrived“ – The collective Berlin Migrant Strikers was born from the desire of a heterogeneous plurality of Italian migrants in Berlin to share, from a common reading of their own subjectivity, analysis and social practice. From this point we started two years ago to investigate our present reality made of insecurity ‚,individualism, exploitation. A present time in the heart of Europe, that we all share as migrants in spite of differences of sort. We are a collective that creates its subjectivity starting from the material conditions, we share work-related problems, welfare issues but also living questions and a collective social imagination. What is constantly economically exploited and valorized is precisely our migrant condition and this is also the basic thing that we all have in common, so the idea of the migrant strike could not miss from the horizon of our practices of struggle. That is why we adhere to the path of the Transnational Social Strike. Moreover, in these two years of activity, we tried to redefine, through experiences and experiments and studies, the classical tools of conflicts, in order to adapt them to the current changing conditions: how to rethink role and forms of the union? How to produce counter-imagination in the era of the absolute subsumption? How to cope and claim for the welfare rights? What the migrant body and relations can tell from a genderized perspective? How can technology be taken, shared and used to emancipate people from the exploitation and put into new patterns of cooperation? Since two years we organize free info points of advice and orientation in the world of the Hartz IV, legal advice and general bureaucratic counseling. We have built campaigns and direct actions against the exploitation of migrant labor, in particular the sector of gastronomy where migration and black work and exploitation often go together. We experiment every day forms of mutualism and cooperation, self organized welfare, and look for a way to organize collective happiness, keeping at the center of our practice the horizon of a liberating desire more than the narrative of real (or false) needs.
BASTA!, Berlin
Basta! is an initiative of unemployed people of different origin in Berlin. We decided to stand up for our own interests, instead of letting other people decide for us. We think that social protest needs more social centres and open rooms that sustain solidarity. Our consultation room is a public room in which solidarity can be experienced. Our personal experiences of poverty, housing shortage and mass unemployment are a collective, a political problem. We do not need to face this alone. And we should not except this passively. Together, we strive to build a strong social structure “bottom-up”. One that stands for our interests in public and that helps to defend them in the Jobcenter. BASTA! is open for everyone who seeks a politically biased consultation, accompaniment, support and/or organization..
Blockupy-platform, Berlin
We are a local network of diverse movement-oriented groups and individuals, which was founded for the Blockupymobilisation to Frankfurt. Together we want to overcome the crisis-regime in Europe and its politics of austerity. Our goal is to establish transnational democracy and solidarity from below. Our focus lies also on the local situation in Berlin, where we try to support differend groups and actors of social struggle and bring them together. Currently we try to work out possible connections between these local everyday-struggles and transnational mobilisations in the frame of Blockupy. We explicitly reject all forms of racist or nationalist division, conspiracy theories or antisemitism.
CIP-IdF (Coordination des Intermittents et Précaires), Ile-de-France
We are many: intermittent workers, temps, precarious workers. We are not fighting for some special privilege – unemployment compensation benefits that would be reserved only for artists and creative workers. We are not trying to preserve the local folklore: that of our cultural exception, granted by Gods. We’re not talking about some handout gifted thanks to the goodwill of the minister of Culture or of a local official. We’re fighting for rights. What social rights? The right to get some income, during the time we are not working. Social rights give you the right to choose your job, or at least to refuse those jobs which sacrifice your dignity.
CLAP, Italy
The Chambers of Autonomous and Casual Workers (Camere del Lavoro Autonomo e Precario) were born in Rome, putting together different fights and self-organized groups. Today, the Chambers are organized locally in Rome, Padua and Naples, beyond the formal restrictions of job categories, and they are based in occupied social centres. Our objectives are: – Organizing and support self-organization of the non-unionized workers, of the workers without any rights, casual and informal workers, not paid interns, unemployed and self-employed workers. – Fighting for new labour and welfare rights, as the right for a basic income for all, especially for who has no income. – Encouraging solidarity among workers and unemployed, especially through new forms of mutualism as an alternative to isolation and solitude of the contemporary way of working. Our main self-organized services are: 41 – Legal assistance and organization of union dispute in the working place – Tax and retirement planning – Training on law regulations for self-employed and autonomous workers We have in these years organized dispute: in social cooperatives for social services (many involved in the corruption scandal of ‘mafia capitale’); in the outsourced care sector; organized campaign against not-paid internship and the payment through voucher. We have been founder of the Social Strike initiative in Italy and in the Transnational Social Strike Platform. At the beginning of the last century, the emerging unions in the USA use the slogan: ‘An injury to one is an injury to all’, to organize the non-organisable, and we still believe that this is the case today.
Dversia, Bulgaria
dВЕРСИЯ (dversia) is a platform for independent left political journalism – a free quarterly online magazine for social, political and cultural analyzes, photography and unpopular perspectives. Our endeavor has emerged from and is still driven by our belief that – at least in Bulgaria – there is a pressing need for progressive media, which: 1) would provide in-depth critical analyzes situated on the frontier between journalism and academia, thus rearranging the dominant perceptions of the established fields of knowledge-production; 2) can expose the defects of the neoliberal order, building alliances between different groups of people in the process; 3) is capable of demonstrating and disseminating the possibilities for collective action today beyond and against the imaginable models. In our work, we combine academic, journalistic and activist approaches to various topics. We translate, initiate various campaigns (such as the one in support of the online platforms Libgen and Sci-Hub or in relation to the Rojava revolution in Northern Syria) and organise debates with students and other interested groups not only in Sofia (where most of us a based) but also in other cities. A long-term aim is to develop a more international outreach through collaborations with other groups and collectives.
FAU, Halle
FAU is the local group of „Freie Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter-Union“ (FAU – Free Workers Union). FAU is an anarchosyndicalist trade union federation. It constists of independent, local unions. All decisions are made at the basis of members. In Halle we are students, temporary workers, so called „mini jobbers“ (with max. 450€ income) in logistics and gastronomy and more. We try to build up and foster local member-oriented union structures in our region based on solidarity and direct action. In the last time we mainly struggled for and with so called mini jobbers, whose employment usually lacks the respect of basic german labour law and rights and for temporary workers. In the next future there are plans to network and cooperate with antirascist groups to build up support structures also for migrant workers. contact: FAU Hamburg, Germany is an anarcho-syndicalist trade union federation consisting of local syndicates and groups. It is the German section of the International Workers Association (IAA). At this stage the FAU consists of around 60 groups, organized locally and by branch of trade. Because it rejects hierarchical organizations and political representation and believes in the concept of federalism, most of the decisions are made by the local unions. Frankfurt Lab, Germany is a circle of activists to discuss and support (local) working struggles beyond the limits of traditional paths of social and labor fights and organization. We are active in: social work net, TIE, no one is illegal, iL and notroika.
Inicjatywa Pracownicza (IP, Workers‘ Initiative), Poland
IP was formed in Poland in 2001 first as an informal group of worker activists willing to unite and fight at their own workplaces and to support other workers‘ struggle. In September 2004, IP was established as a formal but independent and grass-roots trade union. Creation of IP was a reaction to crisis of the Polish official union movement – to its bureaucracy, passivity and links with the anti-social and anti-workers governments. IP gathers either workers from various industries (e.g. the health service, the shipyard industry, transport and logistic, construction industry, commerce, public administration, art and culture workers) or precarious workers, like those from temporary agencies, students and unemployed. Inicjatywa Pracownicza organizes workplace activity, but also joins larger mobilizations and protests, and runs campaigns outside the workplaces through direct actions, leaflets, publications, and conferences, educational events. Outside Poland, IP has a regular exchange within the “Red and Black Coordination” of anarcho-syndicalist trade unions.
Iskra, Slovenia
»Iskra« is a progressive youth organisation that is focused on elimination of systemic problems that young people face under capitalism. We actively struggle against the reduction of scope and quality of public education, elimination of student and workers’ rights, spreading of precarious work. Besides that, we are also active in the fields of feminism, open source and ecology and we strive to improve the political representation of everyone who are studying, are yet to study or have already finished their studies and are facing the labour market. Although most of our members are students, we do not limit ourselves to the onfines of the university. We are well aware that for most people trouble stats only after finishing their studies, as studenthood still brings us relative stability that does not exist later, when we are forced into a fierce competition against our peers for a small number of available jobs that often don’t even include basic workers’ rights. The members of »Iskra« don’t fall for the »such are the times« blunder and believe a more promising future can be attained if we act collectively. Therefore, our main goal is to build a broad movement, based on principles of democracy and solidarity, that will be able to achieve such a future.
ISM, Germany
The International Student Movement (ISM) is an open platform for cooperation, coordination, communication, and collaboration between different individuals and groups involved with the struggle against the increasing commercialization of education as well as for free emancipatory education. It was initiated in 2008 following an International Day of Action against the Commercialization of Education (Nov. 5th 2008). The ISM is generally open to everyone – no matter whether you are a student/pupil, parent, lecturer/faculty, or staff/ worker, unemployed, – everyone who supports the collective struggle is welcome. The ISM has always been and will always be independent of any political party, union, or other institution. no one is illegal Hanau, Germany Our group exists since 1992 in support of refugee and migrant struggles, we combine individual counselling in a local refugee-cafe with continuous political campaigns and initiatives against deportations and for open borders. We were also co-founders for MigrAr Rhine-Main, a counselling point in Frankfurt to support migrants, whom are denied their (full) wages. We are active on a germanwide but also on a transnational level, since 2009 in the network welcome to europe and since 2014 also with the hotline for boatpeople: watchthemed-alarmphone. Practical activities on flight and migration, for the unconditional right to stay and for freedom of movement against the modern border- and apartheid-regime are the key-issues of our political work. Rooting in this we are continuously searching for interconnections to other social movements in a comprehensive approach for global social rights. In this perspective we also participated in the blockupy coalition since its beginning in 2012. Contact:
Plan C, UK
Plan C is a national membership organisation, network and perspective. We have local groups in 8 cities and towns which are active in developing strategy and tactics to aid the development of social struggles. Since 2015 we have been involved in developing ideas around the social strike with an emphasis on how we can weaponise social reproduction politics. Our members are also active in Picket Profiteers (an attempt to spread actions against private health companies during the Junior Doctors strikes), student rent strike organising, supporting co-operatives, anti-fascism and workplace organising in and outside unions. We have also been one of the main groups involved in solidarity in the UK with the Kurdish struggle in and around Rojava, Syria.
Precarious Di∫connections, Italy
is a collective made by precarious workers, migrants, women and men, who put precarious and migrant labor at the centre of their political intervention, understanding precarity and mobility as the global and comprehensive conditions of contemporary labor. Our wager is that of breaking the isolation of workers starting from the differences that divide them and to connect the disconnected, to produce communication where it is lacking or seems impossible. It includes a regional Migrants Coordination, active on the connection between immigration laws and the exploitation of migrants in the workplaces, and a collective of precarious workers, Insubordinate Labor, which builds communication and organization among the different faces of precarious labor.
SamoRog, Slovenia
SamoRog is part of Autonomous factory Rog, a new place and collective, working with refugees and asylum seekers. Some of the people active in our group have years of experience in minority struggles, some came as activists last year in the time of Balkan refugee koridor, and some were part of koridor, so there are different ideas on organization, politisation, and goals of our movement. Since we opened our place in july we are trying to turn from humanitarian aproach towards more organised work with migrant community, and to build a common economic ground that will enable us to continue to work together even in case of eviction. Social Work Net Frankfurt, Germany is an alliance of political active colleagues who work in different enterprises and associations of the social sector in Frankfurt. Those social services companies are in concurrence to each other for public commissions. For that reason and also as in the social sector nothing is produced and expenses can only be saved by firing and cuting wages most of us are paid under the tariff standards and some are threatened by unemployment. We try to fight against this since 2011 with some success on the level of local government. Some of us are near to unions, others are very far from them. We are connected to support each other in conflicts with the companies.
Sud Commerces et Services, France
Our union was created in 2002 with the help of the Union Syndicale Solidaires and increased their overall in the retail sector. Today, our union has 30 sections and, in sum, we count more than 300 members only in Paris (1.000 in all country). Examples of our presence: Apparel: Burberry,- Retail chain: Carrefour, Departement store: Fnac and Virgin Mégastore, Perfumery: Sephora,-Fast-food: KFC and Pizza Hut. Since 2010, we take part in a committee that is composed of four different unions in the retail industry and is called le Comité de Liaison Intersyndical du Commerce de Paris (CLIC-P). Together, we are fighting against the extension of the opening hours in the region of Paris.